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Stallion Springs Community Services District Reimbursement Policy

To explain District policy on travel expenditures

This Policy applies to all personnel and any person being sponsored by the District.

Stallion Springs Community Services District recognizes the necessity for its board members and employees to travel to conduct business, training, or attend meetings. This document is intened to clarify what is the District's responsibility and to provide guidelines to its employees and board members.

  1. The manager of that particular department shall pre-approve any traveling or expense related to traveling and signed by the General Manager.
  2. The request should be made in writing, dated and signed by the parties making such a request.
  3. Under normal conditions those expenses should be budgeted in that program.
  4. For non-budgeted travel the General Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to approve or deny any request made.
  5. Request should include cost of transportation, hotel, meals, vehicle rental, parking and incidentals.
  6. If the person wants to travel by his/her personal vehicle they must receive pre-approval by the manager of that program.
  7. If the distance travel is greater than 700 miles round trip, it is expected that the employee will travel by air. However if the employee wants to use her/his own vehicle they can with the approval of the program manager. Unless other arrangements are made the employee will only receive payment for expenses equal to the lesser cost for traveling.
  8. Please note what items were paid by personal funds, such as cash, and personal credit card. All itemized receipts must be attached.
  9. All expenses have to be approved by the General Manager. The General Manager must receive Board approval for any non-reimbursable trips over $1,000.00.
  10. Occupancy and meals are for employees only. Meals must include itemized receipts only.
  11. Lodging allowane is a maximum of $250.00 per night + tax and charges.
  12. Alcoholic beverages are non-reimbursable and not encouraged during District travel.
  13. Receipts for al expenses must be turned in. Items without a receipt are subject to being denied.
  14. Reimbursement for traveling by personal vehicle will be at the standard IRS mileage rate.
  15. Per Diem - $75.00 per day+ tax & gratuity for meals for one-day travel or more. For less then one day travel, meal expense compensation shall be $15.00+tax & gratuity for breakfast $15.00+tax & gratuity lunch, $ 45.00+tax & gratuity for dinner.. This per diem shall not include the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
  16. Please note on Expense Record if the trip is reimbursable by another agency i.e. Post.
  17. All travel and lodging arrangements should be made through the administration office.
  18. A request for use of the District’s credit card should be made through your program manager to the administration.
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