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Equestrian & Hiking Trails

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Calling all hiking friends:

Fall is here and it's the BEST time of the year to hit the trails! Did you know we have some pretty amazing trails in Stallion Springs? Our trails need some maintenance and we need your help! Want to know more? Join us for our trails meeting on Wednesday, October 28th @ 6:30 pm at the Community Center. We will be planning a trails maintenance day in November. Great way to get outside and meet new friends while helping the community and preserving our trails. Can't make the meeting?....if you are still interested in helping out call Shawnee at 822-3268 or email her at to get on our list.

It's not all work... we have fun too; and you will make friends with some very nice people.

The Stallion Springs trail map is available at the Stallion Springs CSD office for equestrian riders and hikers to use.

For more information, call Barry Leslie, SSTC Chair, at 661-822-1207

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